Enirgi Metal Group Pty.Ltd.(RMT):澳洲最大的鉛回收生產商。由加拿大Sentient Group投資成立,於2010整併澳洲原有的鉛回收廠並設立新的回收廠,成為大規模之資源公司,生產多種純鉛錠與鉛合金,主要供應亞洲地區。
Enirgi Group has operations and offices located in four countries across three continents. Its operating divisions are comprised of a growing portfolio of established businesses, mature operations, proven intergenerational resources and development projects which are managed by a team of experts in their given fields. Its team is focused on becoming a leading player in the Chemicals, Industrial Metals and Mining, Diversified Industrials, Utilities, and Oil & Gas sectors.