鋅合金 Zinc Alloy

鋅合金是以鋅為基礎加入其他元素組成的合金,常加的合金元素有鋁、鎂、銅, 鈦、鈹等,依照加入合金元素的含量多寡而分為不同型號的鋅合金,適應不同的 用途和需求。常見鋅合金加工法有壓鑄和重力鑄造,目前壓鑄鋅合金應用最廣泛 的為國際標準3 號鋅合金。

鑫亞目前代理Nyrstar 澳大利亞3 號鋅合金EZDA 3 與比利時ZAMAK 鋅合金, 同時也供應日本DOWA 的特殊型號鋅合金。

Nyrstar EZDA 3 澳大利亞3 號鋅合金
Nyrstar ZAMAK 鋅合金

Zinc Alloy
Zinc alloy is a zinc-based alloy by adding other elements, often with alloying elements are aluminum, magnesium, copper, titanium, beryllium, etc., in accordance with the amount of alloying element content is divided into different types of zinc alloy, adapt to different uses and needs. Common machining type is zinc alloy die-cast processing and gravity casting, the most widely used is No. 3 zinc alloy. Parex offer Nyrstar EZDA 3 zinc alloy, ZAMAK zinc alloy, and DOWA AZC special zinc alloygeneral engineering. Parex offers Nyrstar AZ SHG zinc mainly and other LME register brand of SHG zinc.